Leaving Toast Bakery Cafe in Los Angelas – 04/07/09
Having lunch at Chin Chin Restaurant….. – 08/21/08
Premiere of Texas Chainsaw Massacre – 10/15/03
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Stills & Promo’s
Megan Fox is being lined up to play She-Hulk. The ‘Transformers’ star is the favourite to portray the giant green female in the big screen adaptation of the popular comic book series about The Incredible Hulk’s cousin. A source said: “‘She-Hulk’ comics are popular so it’s only natural that the character makes the transition to the big screen. The idea is to make She-Hulk sexier but even more savage than the Hulk, which is why Megan is the big favourite for the lead. She’ll be green of course and will have to hang on to a few more pieces of clothes than the male version when she transforms!”