This January, Microsoft reached 10 million Gold subscribers for Xbox Live. This weekend, a good part of those subscribers will jump online and play.
That’s because sex symbol Megan Fox will be jumping onto Xbox Live this Sunday at 3:00 Pacific to play Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen: The Game. Fox, who appeared in the Michael Bay summer blockbuster, will game using the Gamertag “Megan Fox 2009.”
As revealed in an interview on What They Play, Fox is a serious gamer nerd.
The session is part of Microsoft’s ongoing “Game With Fame” promotion, a series of organized gaming sessions that gives subscribers a chance to play videogames with celebrities. The events are usually dominated by musicians — Green Day, Method Man & Redman, and Dream Theater have all recently showed up.
Megan Fox’s planned appearance this weekend marks the rare occasion that an actress this famous shows up to play.
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